Young Adults

Young Adults Ministry


Chairperson :        Rev. Brandon Boldin

The Y’ALL (Young Adults Loving the Lord) Ministry is a gathering of the faithful young adults (ages 18 – 25) of the church who share common interests and issues. It is a spiritual ministry, based on the theological doctrines of the Christian Faith.

This Y’ALL Ministry is designed to examine and address the questions, issues and challenges which confront young adults in their daily lives in college, in the workplace and at home from a Christian, Bible-believing perspective. Further, it is designed to instruct and develop young adults to fulfill the purpose of their lives in accordance with God’s design:

Purpose 1: To worship and glorify God (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Purpose 2: To live in harmony with our brothers and sisters (James 1:18)

Purpose 3: To become His Disciples (Romans 8:29)

Purpose 4: To prepare for ministry (Ephesians 2:10)

Purpose 5: To share Christ through evangelism (Matthew 28: 19, 20)

Upcoming annual events include our Community Service Day, Y’ALL Ministry Day and Y’ALL’s The Taste of The Park Community Fair as well as social gatherings, Ministry outings and participation in the H.O.P.E. Convocation in Irvine, CA. We are also planning our first spiritual renewal retreat!

We meet weekly on Sundays from 9:45 am to 10:45 am! Won’t you join us?