The Charles Harvey Fisher Memorial Scholarship (CHFMS) was established at Park Windsor Baptist Church in 1980 to encourage academic excellence. This scholarship is named after the late Deacon Charles Harvey Fisher who had a passion for the young people of the church and spent many years of planning activities with them and poured hours of his labor of love with them.
Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors that meet the criteria outlined in our policy. The awards are given to assist the student financially and encourage them to further their education.
Those students in grades K-11 are also recognized for academic excellence for maintaining a GPA of at least 3.5 or equivalent.
Thoughout the years of the CHFMS since it’s inception, the Committee has awarded scholarships to over 50 graduates.
The CHFMSF is sponsored by Park Windsor Baptist Church and is funded mainly by donation from members and friends of the church.
If you would like to make a donation, click here.

We seek at all times to exercise a broad vision in our efforts. We attempt to encourage excellence wherever it is recognized. For we sincerely believe that only through a willingness to serve the Lord can we truly exemplify Christian service at work.